Corporate Governance
Basic Views
The Company has established a basic policy of corporate governance to gain the trust of all stakeholders and aim to become a corporate group that grows and develops in a healthy manner by thoroughly incorporating compliance awareness and realizing fair and highly transparent management, in order to achieve its Corporate Philosophy and Management Vision in accordance with the spirit of the Company's Mission Statement: "Customers First"*.
In conformity with the basic policy and based on the organizational structure of a Company with an Audit & Supervisory Board, the Company is continuously working to strengthen the Taikisha Group's governance and reform of management. It is doing this by taking measures such as reinforcing the supervisory function of the Board of Directors through the activities of Outside Directors and speeding up the decision making of the Board of Directors through the adoption of the corporate officer system, aiming to further enhance and reinforce corporate governance of the Taikisha Group.
*"Customers" is defined as Overall Society in a broad sense. The spirit of "Customers First" is to win persistent trust from the Customers.
Corporate Governance Report
November 11, 2024
Pattern Diagram of Corporate Governance
Pattern Diagram of Corporate Governance
Functions of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board
- The Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors, chaired by an Independent Outside Director, which consists of 9 Directors, including 4 Independent Outside Directors, is held once each month with additional meetings as and when required. The Board of Directors makes decisions regarding the Taikisha Group's management policy, items stipulated in laws and regulation and the Articles of Incorporation, and important management matters, as well as monitors and supervises the execution of duties by each Director and Corporate Officer.
Independent Outside Directors are appointed in order to revitalize deliberation and ensure the transparency of decision-making processes in the Board of Directors, and to reinforce the supervisory function of the Board of Directors over Directors and Corporate Officers. - Audit & Supervisory Board
- The Company has 5 Audit & Supervisory Board Members, including 3 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Audit & Supervisory Board holds a meeting once a month in principle, in which the Members mainly deliberate the audit plan, exchange opinions on audit result reports, etc., and consider matters related to the appointment, dismissal, or non-reappointment of an accounting auditor and matters that require the resolution of the Audit & Supervisory Board, such as consent to the compensation to be paid to the accounting auditor.
- Each Audit & Supervisory Board Member
- Each Audit & Supervisory Board Member conducts audits in accordance with the audit standard stipulated by the Audit & Supervisory Board and the assignment given to him, and requests Directors and Corporate Officers, etc. to report the execution of duties as needed in order to keep track of important decision-making processes and the progress of the execution of duties within the Company and group companies. The Audit & Supervisory Board Members also review important documents, including internal approval documents, attend major meetings, including meetings of the Board of Directors and the Management Meeting, and collect necessary information about the current progress of the process of considering important matters and making decisions on the same from the Internal Audit Office, the Corporate Compliance Dept., and other related departments and sections and make proposals for the improvement of operations as needed.