Dehumidification System
Dehumidification System Technology
What is dehumidification system technology?
The challenge for dehumidification system is to reduce both initial cost and operating cost. Taikisha's approach to optimal dehumidification system and energy savings are described here.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Achieving the Dew-point Temperature of -60°C at a Low Cost
Our dry room systems have been adopted in many sectors such as in the assembly process of lithium batteries and other electronics and precision apparatus industries. Our unique dehumidification system is able to reduce the ventilation dew-point temperature to -60°C at a low cost. Both initial set up and running costs can be lowered by 30% (compared to our traditional systems).
This system can be applied to the drying process in any industry.
Optimal dehumidification system deisign
Taikisha can provide the customized dehumidification system optimally based on the dew-point temperature or other installation requirements.
Choices available by environmental conditions; standard two-sector dehumidifiers, high-performance three-sector dehumidifiers, and Taikisha's original four-sector dehumidifiers. -
Dehumidifying simulator
Taikisha's unique dehumidifying simulator optimizes the operation of dehumidifiers.
The operating point for condition change is modifiable after the installation in a range of humidifying capacity.
Taikisha's initiatives
- Developing a highly efficient dehumidification rotor
- Taikisha has developed our own unique dehumidification rotor that minimizes the heat capacity of its structural materials. (Patent publication 2012-250208)
- Achieves both stability and energy savings in low dew-point environments
- We are presently working on developing a variable air dehumidification system that can track load fluctuations in dehumidification.
- Localized drying (low dew-point mini-environment technology)
- Methods for initial and running cost reduction- such as local drying and constraint alleviation for environmental condition are likely to accelerate in the future.
Taikisha is working on developing air conditioning systems that can block high-humidity air flows from the surrounding environment into localized devices.