Paint Finishing Systems for Large Jobs

Robot System Integrate | Intermediate and Top Coat Systems

Taikisha's Technology

What is robot system integration?

Simply collecting together robots, peripheral equipment, and tools does not result in the automation you might expect. Taikisha acts as a robotics system integrator to analyze specific issues for our users, so that we can provide the optimal systems and equipment.

What is intermediate and top coat systems?

Taikisha has a lineup centered on Sames products, including its own brand products. We have a lineup of coating machines that can handle 1-component type, 2-component type, and various other types of paint. We also have a high-coating rate electrostatic atomization method and a jet nozzle type coating machine.

Can provide solutions to these problems

  • Want to lift productivity
  • Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
  • Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
  • Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation


To paint both upper and lower surfaces of large-volume units weighing three or four tons, it may not be possible to secure a sufficient painting area with traditional floor or wall-mounted equipment. In such cases, the use of ceiling-suspended and wall-mounted traveling gear (six axes + traveling + turning) with swing functions makes it possible to paint both upper and lower surfaces as well as a broad painting area.

The system can handle both upper and lower surfaces and a broad painting area for large jobs.

Painting image

Painting the upper surface from a wall-mounted position (offline)

Painting the lower surface from a ceiling-suspended position (offline)

Access when painting the upper surface from a wall-mounted position

Access when painting the upper surface from a celling-suspended position