Environment Conservation Activities

Industrial Waste Disposal and Recycling

At construction sites where Taikisha performs work as the main contractor, Taikisha promotes 4R* activities that involve separating and collecting recyclable industrial waste and curbing the amount of mixed waste generated, in order to reduce the amount of industrial waste generated from such sites that ends up in landfills at final disposal sites. Industrial waste generated is classified into: recycling amount of recyclable resources; and final disposal amount that ends up in landfills. The recycling rate represents the ratio of recycled resources.

  • *4R
    Refuse (eliminating waste in resource use)
    Reduce (reducing waste)
    Reuse (reusing waste)
    Recycle (recycling waste)
Main efforts for recycling
Industrial waste generated and recycling rate

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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Recycling amount(t) 7,010 7,534 7,351 9,009 14,002
Final disposal amount(t) 1,042 811 716 933 1,110
Recycling rate(%) 87.1 90.3 91.1 90.6 92.7

Collection and Management of Hazardous Substances

Taikisha manages the status of collection and proper disposal of hazardous substances (lithium bromide, etc.) generated during renovation work or other projects by creating Hazardous Substances Collection Control Sheets after confirming the existence of such substances based on the Design Policy Plan and Site Environment Control Plan in the design and construction planning stages.

Amount of hazardous substances collected

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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Amount of hazardous substances collected(kL)
(Collection rate: 100%)
10.8 5.8 2.3 56.0 32.7

Proper Waste Management

All works in which the main contractor is Taikisha are listed and the waste disposal status is monitored to ensure the waste is treated properly.
Also, local government permit information on all industrial waste disposal agencies with which Taikisha has contracts is collected, listed, and regularly updated on its internal database, and Taikisha develops and manages a scheme whereby contracts are conducted only with the listed agencies.
Taikisha has introduced the Electronic Manifest scheme since 2009. It has been promoted by the Ministry of the Environment with the purpose of ensuring proper disposal of industrial waste. Taikisha’s current introduction rate is 98.7%.

No. of Manifest issues/Electronic Manifest introduction rate

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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Paper Manifest(No. of issues) 52 45 49 65 64
Electronic Manifest(No. of issues) 3,837 3,829 3,229 3,944 5,245
Electronic Manifest introduction rate(%) 98.7 98.8 98.5 98.4 98.8

Efforts for Freon Management

In compliance with the Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons, each business office creates Freon Collection Control Sheets and manages the status of filling, collection, and proper disposal of Freon (process management system). When conducting Freon collection work, Taikisha draws up Freon collection plans and procedures and endeavors to prevent Freon leaks and other accidents.

Freon collection amount

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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Freon collection amount(t)
(Collection rate: 100%)
11.1 20.3 18.6 13.7 14.9

Efforts for Water Resource

Taikisha recognizes water resource conservation as one of our key challenges. In operating our business, we strive to appropriately assess both the impact of on-site operations on water resources and the influence of water resources on these operations while monitoring water usage. Furthermore, we incorporate considerations for water efficiency and reuse into our design processes. In our construction activities, we comply with environmental regulations and actively work to prevent water pollution and minimize unnecessary water consumption.

Environmentally Considerate Procurement Activities

Green Procurement Policy

To lead the green procurement described in the Environmental Management Vision, Taikisha strives for preferential procurement and selection of new equipment, systems, working methods and technologies to help reduce environmental impact in business activities (design and construction). Taikisha has determined green procurement items based on its own standards, and grasps the results of procurement and conducts periodic reviews on these green procurement items.

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2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Performance in green procurement
(billion yen)
37.3 39.1 53.9 40.5 54.7

Promotion of Paperless Operations with Online Purchasing System

Taikisha has been promoting the use of TOPS, its online purchasing system for indirect materials. Users access the TOPS website to order and purchase various supplies ranging from daily necessities and office stationery regularly used to work clothes and safety-related products necessary at construction sites. The use of TOPS eliminates the need for processing conventional individual purchase invoices, and, by linking the online purchase system to the accounting system, drastically reduces the number of account slips used for payment, promoting paperless operations.
During FY2023, the total value of online purchase amounted to 9,768 million yen, and the ratio of paperless operations was 82.3%.

Promotion of Paperless

Adoption of Carbon Offset Products

Taikisha selects office supplies for its construction site offices from among the carbon offset applicable items so that Taikisha can help reduce environmental impacts. For example, Taikisha has adopted goods with carbon offset credits attached, provided by Yamanashi Prefecture under the Yamanashi Prefecture Project to Combat Global Warming by Forest Utilization, in an effort to promote procurement with consideration for conserving forest ecosystems.

Carbon Offset