Risk Management
Basic Policy
Taikisha has upheld the corporate philosophy of "Establish a company which can continuously grow and contribute to society." Guided by this philosophy, Taikisha is working to reduce material risks and minimize risks before they materialize, in order to continue with businesses and achieve their sustainable development. From the Taikisha Group's integrated perspective, the Risk Management Committee performs such tasks as assessing the risk level (degree of importance) of each risk, selecting risks that need to be addressed, and formulating a policy to reduce risks. In addition, to prepare for the occurrence of a crisis such as a disaster, an accident or an incident, Taikisha has established a crisis management system and formulated a Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
Risk Management System

Taikisha, in accordance with the Risk Management Rules that have been in place, has established the Risk Management Committee to implement effective, efficient and integrated risk management in the Taikisha Group. The Risk Management Committee is chaired by the President and Representative Director and meets twice a year and as required. The Committee establishes basic policies, responsibility systems, operations, and other necessary measures for group-wide risk management, and keeps all persons involved well informed about the establishment and implementation of policies.
Regarding risks associated with operations assigned to each department, such as quality control, safety control, compliance, and finance, each responsible department extracts risks, selects risks that need to be addressed on a priority basis after determining the risk level (degree of importance) in consideration of “impact on management” and “frequency of occurrence,” and then develops priority management policies and goals to be reported to the Risk Management Committee. The Risk Management Committee discusses the risk level assessment and priority management policies and goals of each risk from a group-wide and integrated perspective, and formulates the basic policy. Each responsible department monitors the status of execution of action plans and reports the results to the Risk Management Committee. The Chairman of the Risk Management Committee puts together the status of group-wide risk management and reports it to the Board of Directors twice a year after discussing the matter at the Internal Control Committee.
In FY2023, the Risk Management Committee clarified the persons and divisions in charge and their roles and responsibilities concerning risks to be addressed across the company and discussed remedial policies on a company-wide basis in a comprehensive manner.
Major Risks and Remedial Measures
Risk of fluctuations in private sector capital investment
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- Decrease in orders received due to deterioration of environment for receiving orders, fall in capital investment by clients and change in investment fields
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Broaden the client base by enhancing sales system
- Accelerate the development of technologies that will change customers’ production facilities
- Tap new markets and new clients in painting field based on automation technology
Risk associated with large-scale natural disasters
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- Losses, direct physical and human damage, and impact on customers’ business activities and economic conditions caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and flooding, and global epidemics of infectious diseases, etc.
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Establish basic policies for crisis management and develop a crisis management system
- In the event of a crisis, implement crisis response measures according to the level of impact (classified into three levels)
Risk related to management and control of overseas businesses and overseas affiliates
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- Deterioration in business performance due to overseas affiliates’ failure to fulfill business plan and risk of uncollectibility of receivables attributable to unexpected amendment of local laws and regulations, political instability, etc.
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Proactively collect information on political, economic, legal and regulatory information at overseas sites
- Reduce risks through hedging based on forward exchange contracts, etc.
- Strengthen credit management through screening before accepting orders
- Make overseas affiliates’ governance system more sophisticated
Risk concerning technological development
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- Inability to differentiate from other companies in terms of technology, resulting in loss of sales opportunities and a decline in customer confidence and corporate reputation
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Solve social issues through the development and demonstration of environmental impact reduction and automation technologies
- Expand the breadth of communication by utilizing the Research and Development Center and the R&D satellite facility
- Strengthen Group-wide activities through the use of digital technologies
- Promotion of innovative technology development through integration with academic institutions/start-up companies
Human resource-related risks in project execution
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- Delays in the development of engineers, shortage of skilled and experienced engineers, and decrease in the total working hours of engineering employees due to the application of regulations for upper limits on overtime work in the construction industry effective from April 2024
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Streamline on-site work and level the workload by promoting front-loading of on-site operations
- Improve basic technological capabilities through training and promote on-site practical education
- Create an appealing workplace and secure human resources by conducting work style reform and taking measures against long working hours
- Introduce global human resource system, secure and train key human resources and promote localization at overseas sites
- Clearly indicate the health management promotion system to maintain and promote mental and physical health of employees, and plan and implement health measures
Risk concerning legal compliance
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- Violation of Antimonopoly Act, violation of Construction Business Act, violation of Labor Standards Act, etc.
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Conduct compliance education programs on an ongoing basis as well as follow-up activities
- Develop a culture and mechanism that prevent rules from being violated
Risk of serious accident or defects, etc. due to poor quality
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- Serious accident in construction stage, material defects due to poor quality, etc.
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Enhance safety management system
- Conduct a review on construction management system and promote application of IT
- Strengthen the system to ensure technological quality for the Group as a whole.
Risk of fluctuations in material prices and unit labor costs
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- Rising procurement prices for construction materials and rising unit labor costs due to low birthrate, aging population, and shortage of workers
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Reflect appropriate costs by region into the contract amount at the time of receiving an order
- Hedge risk against price fluctuations in contracts
Risk of confidential information leakage
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- Leakage of confidential information such as personal information and customer information through cyber-attacks and data exfiltration
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Develop and implement a roadmap for risk mitigation measures based on the results of IT security diagnostics
- Establish a response system for IT incidents (Taikisha’s version of Computer Security Incident Response Team, or CSIRT) and promote employee education
Risk concerning climate change
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- Loss of customers due to inability to adapt to customer needs, a decline in competitiveness due to delays in the development of technologies, cost increases due to the introduction of carbon taxes, lower labor productivity due to a rise in average temperature, etc.
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Develop low-carbon construction technologies and systems
- Expand the construction of energy saving-equipment
- Promote mechanization and automation
Risk concerning human rights
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- Additional costs arising for corrective measures and remedies, a decline in social credibility, and the resulting stagnation in business activities, in cases where negative impacts on human rights occur in business activities, or situations that promote such impacts
- Remedial Policy and Measures
- Establish the Taikisha Group’s Human Rights Policy as a standard for human rights
- Implement human rights due diligence
- Conduct educational and awareness-raising activities for officers and employees
Information Security
In order to protect customer, business partner, and personal information from leaks and other risks, we are strengthening the information management system across the entire Taikisha Group, by establishing the Information Security Rules, which include detailed rules for all employees and persons in charge of IT system/facility development respectively, as well as rules based on the privacy policy.
To minimize the spread of damages in the event of an IT incident, we have formulated the IT Incident Response Policy, and established an response system in the event of an IT incident (Taikisha’s version of CSIRT).
In addition, to address the cyber security threats that are becoming more diversified and sophisticated on a daily basis, we review the information security risks and conducts initiatives aimed at risk mitigation.
Crisis Management System
Taikisha has established the Basic Policy for Crisis Management and built the crisis management system to prepare for the occurrence of unforeseen disasters, accidents and incidents in Japan and overseas.
In the event of a crisis, Taikisha classifies crises into three response levels depending on the severity of impact on human lives and business continuity, and implement crisis response measures according to each response level. The Chief Executive of the Administrative Management Headquarters assumes the position of Chairman of the Crisis Management Committee. If it is decided that a particularly serious crisis has occurred, the President and Representative Director takes command as the Head of the Crisis Task Force.
For Taikisha employees deployed overseas and those on overseas business travel to be able to engage in business activities without concern, Taikisha has formulated the “Overseas Security Response Manual” to help employees prevent and avoid risks of crimes and terrorism and the “Overseas Crisis Management Guidelines (main vol.),” which stipulates the actions to be taken by Taikisha’s headquarters and overseas affiliates in the event of an occurrence of a crisis.
Diagram of Crisis Management System
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
To prepare against the possibility of a crisis occurring, Taikisha has formulated a business continuity plan (BCP) for employees to restore operations promptly. The BCP provides procedures for dealing with crisis situations, centering on large-scale earthquakes, by placing the highest priority on protecting the lives of its employees and their families. At business offices, Taikisha conducts training, such as training on wireless phone communication, taking inventories and checking expiration dates on emergency food stocks. In addition, Taikisha carries out training on how to handle the safety confirmation system. With regard to the safety of employees, Taikisha has organized a company-wide self-defense firefighter team and conducts training activities. In addition to evacuation drills and training sessions provided by the self-defense firefighter team, Taikisha holds training sessions on AED and first-aid rescue to train employees so that they can respond to emergencies not only inside but also outside the company.
In addition, the Company formulated the “Pandemic preparedness business plan” based on its experience in responding to COVID-19. It is intended to respond accurately and promptly in order to take the utmost care for respecting human life and continue our business while placing the highest priority on securing safety even in the event of pandemic.
AED and first-aid rescue training session