Stock Information

Basic Data

(as of the end of March 2024)

Securities code 1979
Stock Exchange TSE Prime Market
Number of shares authorized 100,000,000
Number of shares issued 33,582,009
Number of shares per unit 100
Number of shareholders 4,328

Major Shareholders

(as of the end of March 2024)

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Name of Shareholders Number of shares held (in thousands) Ratio of shareholding voting rights (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 4,839 14.68
Kenzaisha Ltd. 1,730 5.25
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,250 3.79
Taikisha Employees Shareholding Association 1,184 3.59
Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. 1,134 3.44
Dai ni Kenzaisha Ltd. 1,000 3.03
Taikisha Business Partners Shareholding Association 940 2.85
Nippon Life Insurance Company 866 2.63
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 659 2.00
  • *1
    The percentage of total shares is calculated without this treasury shares.
  • *2
    "Number of shares held" is rounded down to the nearest thousand shares.

Stock Data By Shareholder

(as of the end of March 2024)

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Category Total number of shareholders Total number of shares held Ratio of shareholding (%)
Individuals and Others 3,876 5,483,612 16.33
Government and local public institutions 0 0 0.00
Financial institutions 25 10,053,737 29.94
Other domestic companies 181 7,408,703 22.06
Foreign investors 215 9,447,627 28.13
Securities companies 30 578,676 1.72
Treasury shares 1 609,624 1.82
Total 4,328 33,582,009 100.00
Stock Data By Shareholder Financial institutions 29.94% Foreigners 28.13% Other domestic companies 22.06% individuals/Others 16.33% Treasury Stock 1.82% Security companies 1.72% Government and local public institutions 0.00%