Social Contributions
Basic Policy
Under the Taikisha Management Vision, Taikisha positions the community and society as important stakeholders and proactively promotes activities to respect culture and customs as well as contribute to their development in addition to participation in community and social contribution activities.
Taikisha is conducting various activities toward resolution of issues faced by communities and society and their development as a member of society (corporate citizen) that builds a favorable relationship with communities and society and coexists harmoniously with society.
Social Contributions
Supporting India’s Hospital Train: LIFELINE EXPRESS
Since 2017, Taikisha Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. has been supporting LIFELINE EXPRESS—a project run by non-governmental organization Impact India Foundation—as part of its social contribution efforts.
The project involves visiting farming villages and other remote areas on a mobile hospital train equipped with testing equipment and surgical facilities and providing medical care to local residents free of charge. In recent years, Taikisha Engineering India has sponsored a project to run the train to Mirzapur, a northern rural district in India, to provide such services as cataract surgery, dental checkup, speech therapist’s diagnoses and epilepsy examination. Taikisha Engineering India plans to continue proactively supporting the project into the future.

Community Contribution Activities
Bread & Baked Confectionery Sales Event Held inside Head Office
In February 2020, Taikisha hosted an in-house event for Shinjuku Hukushi Sagyousyo to sell bread and baked confectionery made by its members to Taikisha’s employees in its head office. Eating bread and baked confectionery made at Shinjuku Hukushi Sagyousyo, which is one of the facilities for assisting the employment of disabled persons in Shinjuku Ward, contributes to job assistance at the facility.
From the viewpoint of reducing food waste, bread was sold on the basis of pre-booking. On the day of the event, baked confectionery such as rusk and muffins were made available for sale.
Given that it was the first time for such an event to be held in Taikisha, a generous amount of baked confectionery had been prepared, only to be sold out in 30 minutes after the opening of the stall—as such, the bread and baked confectionery sales event ended in great success.
Having also set up a café space next to the stall during this event, employees enjoyed communicating with each other more broadly across different job ranks and departments.

Other activities of business offices in Japan
- Osaka Branch Office: Donation of calendars and pocketbooks to Hokkaido UNICEF Association
- Tohoku Branch Office: Participation in “Hirosegawa River 10,000 People Project” (general cleanup of the Hirosegawa River basin, etc.)
- Chubu Branch Office: Collection of PET bottle caps for ECOCAP and collection of goods for Eihokai
- Kyushu Branch Office: Collection of PET bottle caps for ECOCAP and collection of used stamps