Measures for Long Working Hours
Overwork is a major medical cause of complaints of physical and mental health. Taikisha must take action to improve this situation.
Objectives | The construction industry is legally required to limit overtime work to 45 hours a week by FY2024. We aim to reduce long working hours by achieving this as one of our goals. |
- Long Working Hours Prevention Meeting
- Taikisha sees taking measures for long working hours as one of the most important issues to address as part of work-style reforms.
This meeting was established in 2017 as a department of the Corporate Planning Headquarters responsible for promoting these measures groupwide, with the Vice Executive, Corporate Planning Headquarters as its chairperson. Executives of the business divisions serve as meeting members to formulate measures, implement them, and verify the results.
- Establishing and Expanding the Job Support Office
- Construction management has different levels of busyness during the long-term construction period. Apportioning tasks during busy times and systematically assigning additional personnel to provide support helps prevent overtaxing of particular employees. Setting up the Job Support Office to pool engineering and clerical employees allows us to flexibly support sites that are expected to become busy. This is showing results in leveling the burden of work.
- Improving Productivity by Leveraging DX Tools
- By using BIM and VR technology, for example, to promote integrated operations laterally from design to construction, we are actively adopting constantly evolving viewing, communications, and analytical technologies to reduce working hours on construction sites and make work more effective, with the aim of lowering the burden on our employees.
- Using an Interval System
- In April 2019, Taikisha introduced an interval system, which sets an eight-hour interval from the close of business to ensure that employees who worked long hours will have time to rest.
- Adopting and Expanding Telework Systems
- We adopted a telework system in April 2020 and are steadily promoting its use.
Taikisha has widely introduced mobile work for a long time, but this time we have established rules focusing on work from home and satellite office work, and developed a system for these work styles. In particular, we have framed rules about work styles with an emphasis placed on labor environment preservation for employees and information management, and continue to endeavor to improve the system to realize an efficient working environment.