Paint Factory
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Out-Mold Decoration
Out-Mold Decoration
Dry decoration technology provides the exteriors of automobiles with film decoration (dry decoration) by applying films through vacuum-pressure molding technology instead of the conventional spray coating (wet coating).
- Want to prevent air pollution
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to build comfortable spaces
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
VOC Removal TechnologyConcentrating Units
This system cleans up organic solvents, cleaning solvents, and malodorous gases, using adsorbing materials and oxidative decomposition equipment. Fibrous activated charcoal and hydropholic sysntheic zeolite are used as the adsorbing materials.
- Want to prevent air pollution
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
VOC Removal Technology
Rotary RTO/Horizontal Rotary RTO
Rotary RTO includes a regenerative heat exchanger with rotary changeover valves. Horizontal Rotary RTO is new type of RTO with significantly reduced unit height by having a switching valve installed on the side of the conventional RTO main unit.
- Want to prevent air pollution
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
VOC Removal TechnologyPost-Processing Units
Cataburn® (Catalytic Burning VOC Abatement System)
Cataburn® has an especially great effect on the treatment of difficult-to-reuse mixed solvent gases and malodorous gases. It can also be effectively used as post-treatment system to Admat®C/Admat®Z.
- Want to prevent air pollution
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
VOC Removal TechnologyPost-Processing Units
Odret (Direct Fired Incinerator)
Odret can handle gases with any component and concentration, and oxidize and decompose almost every harmful or malodorous component with a high treatment efficiency and consistency.
- Want to prevent air pollution
VOC Removal Technology
VOC Treatment System for Paint Processes
Taikisha offers highly efficient and economical odor control devices for paint-drying oven exhaust and VOC treatment systems for paint booth exhaust.
- Want to prevent air pollution
Production Management Systems
i-Navistar is an IoT and AI-based root cause analysis system for analyzing causes of suspended operation and quality defects on automotive paint lines using various sensing data.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Pre-treatment SystemWork-clean technology
Iron Particle Removal System
Taikisha's pre-treatment system enables you to efficiently remove iron particle that is the cause of the defect.
- Want to lift productivity
Pre-treatment SystemWork-clean technology
I-LAS (Impact Blast Washer System) is Taikisha's high-performance water washing system. Our unique design standard helps develop a system to efficiently remove iron particle from body surfaces with an optimally minimized water amount and pressure and contributes to reducing dirt or dust.
- Want to lift productivity
Pre-treatment SystemGrease-removal technology
Pre-wash Microbubbles
The use of microbubbles in the degreasing and cleaning process (pre-cleaning process) provides an efficient degreasing system.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Pre-treatment SystemWastewater recycling technology
Wastewater Recycling System
Up to now, electrodeposition resulted in wastewater, but recycling water used in washing after the forming process not only cuts the amount of wastewater, but also reduces the cost of manufacturing DI water(de-ionized water) for use in washing.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Electrodepositing SystemHHigh-Efficiency Electrodeposition Systems
C-FLOW Electrodepositing Tank Circulation System
Utilizing a counter flow, this system reduces the number of defective points caused by stagnating dust on the surface of an automobile body, by expelling the motes introduced with the body from the tank.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
Electrodepositing SystemTechnologies for Reducing the Volume of Wastewater and Materials Used
Paint Recovery System
Taikisha's rinse systems achieve a high paint recovery rate with UF(Ultra-Filtration) or RO(Reverse Osmosis).
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
Paint boothEnergy-saving technology
Energy-Saving HVAC Control
Taikisha's energy-saving HVAC system automatically determines an optimal control point in accordance with the outdoor temperature and selects the best energy-saving operation mode.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Paint boothEnergy-saving technology
Paint Booth Exhaust Recycling System
Our solution is to recycle exhaust from a paint booth and reduce air-conditioning energy consumption. By introducing heat pumps to the heat source of the recycling HVAC system, we aim to further achieve energy conservation and CO2 reduction.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Paint boothEnergy-saving technology
Dehumidifying System Incorporating Water-based Flash-off Dehumidification Rotor
With water-based paint flash-off facilities as well, its cost-efficient performance is well proved because it allows you to skip the cooling process that usually takes place after the flash-off process.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Paint boothMist Removal Systems
S-1 Type Scrubber: S-1 Circular
Dust particles in exhaust gases are always an obstacle to the VOC treatment and the recycling of booth exhaust. Our S-1 circular is a wet paint booth that uses water with the venturi effect.
- Want to lower noise levels
Paint boothMist removal systems
Dry Circular
This is a dry paint booth that uses both precoating agents and dry filters. These booths are particularly effective in regions with insufficient water, as they do not use water to collect paint mist as in wet booths.
- Want to eliminate harmful substances/viruses
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Paint boothMist removal systems
i-Dry Scrubber (Cardboard Filter-type Booth)
This is a dry paint booth with a simple dust removal system using a dry filter. It uses no water, and so it is particularly effective in places where water is scarce.
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
Paint boothCompact booth
Compact Type Paint booth
Compact type paint booth minimizes the height of the scrubbing chamber, while ensuring optimal dust removing performance and serviceability.
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
Paint Baking OvenOven System
Symmetry Oven
Our Symmetry Oven can raise the temperature of difficult to heat areas in the kiln, such as the outer sill at the bottom of the body, the bases of pillars, and the front floor, within a shorter period of time than traditional kilns.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
Paint Baking Oven
i-CEO(innovative Clean Effective Oven)
i-CEO system places the conveyor on the outside of the drying oven compartment to prevent the dust or oil of the conveyor from entering and staining the drying oven.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
Paint Baking OvenAir Seal
Open Hearth Oven Air Seal
Our new air seal at the opening of the flat type oven greatly reduces heat loss compared to conventional air seals.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
Robot System IntegrateHigh-Viscosity Supply Systems
Underfloor Sealing and Undercoat Applications
In painting automobiles, sealing is applied for waterproof and rust prevention along joins on the underside of floors. Furthermore undercoat is applied to prevent scratches from stones while moving, stains, and corrosion. For both process, Taikisha offers optimized paint control system that are very efficiently automated.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to build comfortable spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateHigh-Viscosity Supply Systems
HEM Application
The system uses high-precision visual detection to automate the sealing of the edges of the part of the body called the cover from the operating trajectory.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateHigh-Viscosity Supply Systems
Interior Sealing Applications
Interior sealing application of the automobile body has been automated. Taikisha has increased the density of robots and maximized their operating efficiency, to achieve application in the shortest time possible, with no waste.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateHigh-Viscosity Supply Systems
LASD Application
LASD Application uses stainless steel for contact parts to cope with water-based materials and adopts a rotary gun. Robot arms enter the interior and paint without creating dust, enabling waste-free application of material.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateHigh-Viscosity Supply Systems
High-Viscosity Supply Systems
Motorizing the pressure pumps means less energy consumption, less noise during operation, fewer oil leaks, and less condensation compared to traditional pneumatic or hydraulic systems.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateIntermediate and Top Coat Systems
Interior Plate Paint Finishing Systems
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateIntermediate and Top Coat Systems
Exterior Plate Paint Finishing Systems
Charging painting machines with the minimum paint required reduces paint losses. This system also can handle either water-based or solvent types.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateIntermediate and Top Coat Systems
Paint Finishing Systems for Large Jobs
The system can handle both upper and lower surfaces and a broad painting area for large jobs.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateIntermediate and Top Coat Systems
Zero Clear Coating
Zero Clear Coating removes stains with only water while maintaining the same level of quality. Taikisha is steadily employing these special coating properties for products that present a major burden for cleaning when used in painting factories.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateIntermediate and Top Coat Systems
Paint Feeding System (Flow Control System)
The paint feeding flow control system automatically controls the paint flow rate so that only the required amount is used at the required time, contributing to conserving energy and reducing VOCs.
- Want to lift productivity
Robot System IntegrateInnovative Paint Solutions
This is a radical change from working in paint booths full of paint mist. Painting with 100% transfer efficiency drastically reduces the environmental measures and running costs required, minimizes painring compact and reduces the burden of cleaning tasks.
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateInnovative Paint Solutions
Taikisha supplies paint finishing systems that can draw letters and graphics through controlled particle-by-particle discharge of paint particles.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateInnovative Paint Solutions
Automatic Teaching (i-ART)
i-ART (automatic teaching system) provides high-precision teaching easily and in a short time frame.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateAutomatic Sanding Solutions
i-Sanding (automatic sanding system) is a high-speed, high-quality, sanding system. It has high-speed sensing in real time for feedback control of the force and position of the tool and the sanding load.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateAutomatic Testing Solutions
Contact Hue Testing System
By using force sensors and a newly developed bracket, it is possible to automate the inspection with direct contact the same as workers, without scratching the painted surface.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System IntegrateAutomatic Testing Solutions
Exterior Inspection System
Taikisha offers automation of the surface inspection usually conducted visually by workers after painting is completed.
- Want to enhance safety and reliability
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Robot System Integrate
Product Line-up
Taikisha has a range of the main equipment required for painting lines to provide to our customers, including painting machines, gear pumps, CCV, paint guns, and dozers.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to heighten equipment efficiency and paint quality
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemPretreatment/electrodeposition overhead conveyors
Mono-Track Conveyor
Overhead conveyor with hanger system for use in the pretreatment and electrodeposition processes. Chain conveyors are used for the treatment process itself, whereas Friction conveyors are used before and after the treatment process.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemPretreatment/electrodeposition overhead conveyors
Pendulum Conveyor
Pendulum conveyor is a skid-type overhead conveyor applied to pretreatment and electrodeposition processes.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemPretreatment/electrodeposition overhead conveyors
EMS Conveyor
It is a tact type conveyor by using electrical motor and electrical hoist.This overhead type conveyor has a lifting function and a traveling function separately.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemPretreatment/electrodeposition rotating conveyors
E-DIP® is a conveyor for automobile line pretreatment and electrodeposition equipment. E-DIP® is a self-propelled carrier that travels on the side of the device to lift and transport the automobile body.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemUndercoating overhead conveyors
Mono-Track Conveyor (Overhead-type Conveyor)
Mono-Track conveyor is a hanger type overhead conveyor applied to the undercoat process.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemUndercoating overhead conveyors
Pallet Conveyor
Pallet conveyor is an overhead pallet conveyor applied in the undercoat process.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemFloor Conveyor
FLC Mono-Track Conveyor
FLC Mono-Track conveyor is a trolley type floor type conveyor that is applied to the painting process, drying process, and work process.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor SystemFloor Conveyor
Skid Conveyor
This conveyor is a skid floor conveyor for painting processes, ovens and workplaces.
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Paint booth
Modular Robotic Painting Cell
This is a modularized painting unit. It can be flexibly placed in any direction. Making the most of this feature can help achieve line designs that will realize great energy and space saving.
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
Conveyor System
Flexible Body-size Dipping System
This conveyor is a tact-type floor-type conveyor system that combines multiple operations applied to the pretreatment and electrodeposition processes. The series is divided according to the weight of the automobile body and the application (swing / rotation).
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation
Conveyor System
Rotating Dipping System
This is a rotary conveyor system that can improve coating quality in pretreatment and electrodeposition processes, shorten the process length, and reduce running costs
- Want to lift productivity
- Want to reduce CO2 and enhance energy efficiency
- Want to make the best use of limited spaces
- Want to improve labor environments and achieve automation